Discover the Waters of Nebraska KIDs Activity Booklet

Discover the Waters of Nebraska invites readers to spend a day as a Nebraskan farmer; to investigate a tornado through the story of storm researcher, Dr. Josh Wurman; to travel the “Flyway Highway” as a Sandhill Crane; or to photograph the state’s “water wonders.”
Discover the Waters of Nebraska invites readers to spend a day as a Nebraskan farmer; to investigate a tornado through the story of storm researcher, Dr. Josh Wurman; to travel the “Flyway Highway” as a Sandhill Crane; or to photograph the state’s “water wonders.” Other topics include the Ogallala aquifer, Nebraska’s 13 watersheds, wetlands, water history (e.g., glaciers, Native People, Lewis and Clark, windmills and the Dust Bowl) and the protection of the state’s precious water resources. Discover the Waters of Nebraska is 24 pages filled with colorful, fun activities and stuff you just never knew about this amazing state. If you’re not a “Cornhusker,” you may want to become one after discovering Nebraska and its waters.
Additional Information
Topic(s) Watersheds, Regional Watersheds
Subject(s) Social Studies, Science, Geography, Environmental Education
Grade Level(s) Upper Elementary, Middle School
Language(s) English
Page Count 24
ISBN 978-1-888631-69-2
Inside Full Color
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