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Healthy Water, Healthy Rio Student Activity Booklet (PORTUGUESE), PDF EBOOK

Colorful and engaging student activity booklet (printable PDF ebook) written for students in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Part of a four-piece module that includes a poster, a coloring book and an educators’ guide.
Colorful and engaging eight-page student activity booklet (printable PDF ebook) written for students in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Part of a four-piece module that includes a poster, a coloring book and an educators’ guide.
Additional Information
Topic(s) Water Quality, Watersheds, Sanitation and Hygiene, Regional Watersheds, Ground Water
Subject(s) Math, Health, Social Studies, Science, Environmental Education
Grade Level(s) Upper Elementary, Middle School
Language(s) Portuguese
Page Count 8
ISBN 978-0-9857384-0-2
Inside Full Color
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