Discover the Waters of Arizona KIDs Activity Booklet

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From rivers to wetlands to ground water and monsoons, students learn all about water and water management in this diverse state.
What makes Arizona's water resources unique? Find out in this colorful, information-packed booklet. From rivers to wetlands to ground water and monsoons, students learn all about water and water management in this diverse state. Maps and photos complement lively, illustrated activities, experiments, and more.

Awards: Finalist, 2006 EdPress Distinguished Achievement Awards (Association of Educational Publishers)
Additional Information
Topic(s) Watersheds, Regional Watersheds
Subject(s) Math, Social Studies, Science, Geography, History, Economics, Environmental Education
Grade Level(s) Upper Elementary, Middle School
Language(s) English
Page Count 20
ISBN 978-1-888631-37-1
Inside Full Color
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