Discover the Waters of Tennessee KIDs Activity Booklet

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Discover the Waters of Tennessee highlights the state's unique water resources with fun, interactive lessons that teach students about everything from watersheds to flooding.
From the Appalachian Trail and the Great Smoky Mountains to the banks of the mighty Mississippi River, Tennessee is unique and rich in both history and natural wonders. This 16-page booklet incorporates fun, hands-on activities for students to learn about watersheds, plants, animals, flooding and other topics in addition to stewardship of the state's water resources.
Additional Information
Topic(s) Watersheds, Regional Watersheds
Subject(s) Math, Social Studies, Science, Geography, History, Economics, Environmental Education
Grade Level(s) Upper Elementary, Middle School
Language(s) English
Page Count 16
ISBN 978-1-888631-70-8
Inside Full Color
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