Support the Sandra Chisholm DeYonge Children's Education Memorial Fund

The Project WET Foundation in cooperation with Sandra’s family have established the Sandra Chisholm DeYonge Children’s Education Memorial Fund to assist in educating children about water. Administered by the Project WET Foundation, the fund will be used to continue Sandi’s dream of publishing new children’s books and launching the Discover the Waters of Our National Parks project.
The Project WET Foundation in cooperation with Sandra’s family have established the Sandra Chisholm DeYonge Children’s Education Memorial Fund to assist in educating children about water. Administered by the Project WET Foundation, the fund will be used to continue Sandi’s dream of publishing new children’s books and launching the Discover the Waters of Our National Parks project.

"Sandra worked at the Project WET Foundation for the better part of two decades, and she played a key role in shaping most of the titles on our publications list. There was no topic too complicated or project too big for Sandra – she loved writing, creating science methods and helping people understand nature and how we interact with the water. She was one of the most creative, dedicated, and productive people I have worked with in water education." –Dennis Nelson, President & CEO of Project WET

The Project WET Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization. All or part of your gift may be tax deductible as a charitable contribution. Please check with your tax advisor.
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