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Explore Sagebrush Prairie KIDs Activity Booklet PDF EBOOK

Through mazes, math, and mapping, students will learn about the multitude of animals and plants that call the sagebrush prairie home, as well as the importance of this ecosystem to human populations over time.
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Sage advice! From only minimal rainfall, this unique ecosystem of the Western United States supports a great diversity of life. Through mazes, math, and mapping, students will learn about the multitude of animals and plants that call the sagebrush prairie home, as well as the importance of this ecosystem to human populations over time.
Additional Information
Topic(s) General Water
Subject(s) Social Studies, Science, Geography, History, Environmental Education
Grade Level(s) Upper Elementary, Middle School
Language(s) English
Page Count 16
ISBN 978-1-942416-04-3
Inside Full Color
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