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Healthy Water, Healthy Habits, Healthy People Educator Guide (English for Africa), PDF EBOOK

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Clean water, proper sanitation and good hygiene form a solid foundation for student health education. This educators' guide is designed to enable teachers to take an active role in making a real difference in the lives of children and their families.
Clean water, proper sanitation and good hygiene form a solid foundation for a student’s health education. This educators' guide is designed to enable teachers to take an active role in making a real difference in the lives of children and their families. The 40-page guide is filled with engaging ways to impart an understanding about how common water-borne and hygiene-related diseases are spread. In addition to learning about how to protect their health and that of their families, students will gain a healthy respect for the important water sources on which we all depend.

Awards: Winner, 2009 EdPress Distinguished Achievement Awards (Association of Educational Publishers)

Read about this publication's prestigious Distinguished Achievement Award.
Additional Information
Topic(s) Sanitation and Hygiene
Subject(s) Health, Social Studies, Science, Geography, Environmental Education
Grade Level(s) Pre-K through 2, Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School
Language(s) English
Page Count 38
ISBN 978-1-888631-73-9
Inside Full Color
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