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Water and Education: Latin America SAMPLER, SPANISH / Agua y Educación: Actividades selectivas ESPAÑOL, PDF EBOOK

Customized for a Latin American audience and translated into Spanish, this educators guide contains seven engaging, interactive activities on various water topics ranging from watersheds to water in our bodies.

Adaptado para la gente latinoamericana y traducido al español, esta Guía de Educadores contiene siete actividades didácticas en varios temas hídricos desde cuencas a la cantidad de agua en nuestros cuerpos.

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Customized for a Latin American audience and translated into Spanish, this educators guide contains seven engaging, interactive activities on various water topics ranging from watersheds to water in our bodies. Activities include Project WET classics such as "Blue Planet," "Incredible Journey" and "Sum of the Parts." This guide is perfect for educators who live and work in Spanish-speaking regions as well as for volunteers or educators traveling to Latin America or the Caribbean.

Also available is a Portuguese edition.

Adaptado para la gente latinoamericana y traducido al español, esta Guía de Educadores contiene siete actividades didácticas en varios temas hídricos desde cuencas a la cantidad de agua en nuestros cuerpos. Las actividades incluyen las clásicas de Proyecto WET, como El Planeta Azul, El Viaje Increíble y Suma de las Partes. Este Guía es perfecto para educadores basados en países de hablar españoles o también para voluntarios que viajan en el extranjero.
Additional Information
Topic(s) Water Conservation, Watersheds, Sanitation and Hygiene, General Water, Ground Water
Subject(s) Math, Health, Science, Geography, History, Environmental Education, Civics/Government
Grade Level(s) Upper Elementary, Middle School, High School
Language(s) Spanish
Page Count 48
ISBN 978-0-9857384-6-4
Inside Full Color
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