Water and Sustainability Classroom Kit

Donate Project WET materials to a classroom in your community, state or country--or let us help you find a classroom in need.
If you are looking for a meaningful way to contribute to a local school, know of a teacher who would love to use Project WET in the classroom or just want to promote effective water education, consider donating a Project WET Water and Sustainability Classroom Kit. Each customizable Kit contains five different KIDS Activity Booklets (30 copies of each), the Project WET Curriculum and Activity Guide 2.0 Sampler, a water cycle poster and our children's book Spring Waters, Gathering Places.

Our recommended kit includes the following KIDS Activity Booklet titles:
* Conserve Water (30 copies)
* Discover Ground Water and Springs (30 copies)
* Discover Recycling, Take Action! (30 copies)
* The Water Story (30 copies)
* Watershed Protection (30 copies)

Donations can also be customized to include a unique combination of any of the above KIDS Activity Booklet titles along with regional or topical KIDS titles of your choice, totaling no more than five. (Project WET reserves the right to substitute KIDS titles depending on availability.)
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